Why I Will Never Be a Morning Person
Explore my journey from high school slumberer to a college freshman with newfound energy and enthusiasm. Discover how the battle between mornings and me led to a more balanced and productive life. College has shown me the value of sleep and finding my own rhythm.
OCT 19. 2023


Mornings and I have a complicated relationship. Throughout high school, it felt like I was in a never-ending battle with my alarm clock. I'd hit the snooze button more times than I'd like to admit, and my first period class was often my daily power nap. The strange part? It worked. My self-studying ways resulted in decent grades, and my teachers never seemed to mind. But, I've come to realize that the early hours just aren't my time to shine. In this article, I'll share my journey from being a groggy high school student to a more energetic and engaged college freshman.

High School: The Slumber Zone:

My relationship with mornings in high school was less than stellar. I'd stay up late to complete assignments or simply because I was more productive at night. Early classes meant only one thing: sleep-deprived days. While I was, in a way, self-studying most subjects due to my drowsy classroom presence, it was a system that somehow worked for me. I managed to maintain good grades, and my teachers were none the wiser. It seemed like a win-win situation.

The Toll on Mental and Physical Health:

However, what I didn't realize back then was the toll this nocturnal routine was taking on my mental and physical health. I was constantly tired, irritable, and generally unengaged in the world around me. Waking up at 6 AM was akin to torture. I'd drag myself to school, zombie-like, and my motivation for anything before noon was virtually non-existent.

College: A Fresh Start:

College was the turning point for me. The schedule was more flexible, and I could choose classes that didn't require me to wake up at the crack of dawn. As a result, I found myself feeling more awake, energized, and motivated. It's amazing what getting enough sleep can do for your well-being.

A New Lease on Life:

With this newfound energy, I started to notice significant changes in my life. I had the energy to engage in class discussions, which was a far cry from my high school days of slumbering through lectures. I also discovered the motivation to hit the gym regularly. Suddenly, I had the time and drive to work on myself physically and mentally.


In the grand scheme of life, I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never be a morning person. My brain seems to come alive in the afternoon and evening. While it worked for me in high school to be a night owl, college has shown me the benefits of a more balanced routine. The lessons I've learned about my own sleep patterns and energy levels have been valuable. It's a reminder that we're all wired differently, and it's important to find a routine that suits our unique needs and maximizes our potential. So, for now, the mornings can belong to the early birds. I'll be thriving in the late hours.